Chairman's Greetings
Overview of Consult-
ing Services
Fee Guidlin
Code of Ethics/
Code of Conduct

 Activities of Members in Tokyo Branch


We are either Industrial Safety Consultants or Industrial Health
, having the national qualification that is stipulated in
Safety and Health Law. We provide inspection and improvement guidance
on the safety and health in workplaces in order to improve the level of safety
and health there.

Utilizing our expert knowledge and abundant experience, we make various
efforts to prevent industrious accidents. Our efforts include providing
lectures, training, and risk assessment.

Help in Safety
and Health Problems

Currently, about 110 members are working in the Tokyo Branch to help
people in workplaces to solve safety and health problems in response to
requests from those people. The membersf activities include the following

1.   Supporting the government campaign for implementation of risk @@@
@ assessment

2.  Conducting the safety and health inspection of workplaces in
@ companies, local governments, administrative corporations, etc.

3.   Delivering lectures in various training such as the statutory
@ training for newly assigned managers of safety and health,
@ promoters of safety and health, foremen/forewomen, and general
@ managers of safety and health, and the training for skill qualifications.
4. Serving as industrial physicians, managers of safety and health, or
@ advisers. 

Copyright © 2011
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Copyright 2011- All Rights Reserved-Tokyo Branch, Japan Association of
Safety and Health Consultants